One Book Many Schools

Salt and Roti

The Salt and Roti is one of the short story in the One Book Many Schools literary selection Salt and Roti by Kenneth Vidia Parmasad.

Let's enjoy Mrs. Rachael Kennedy narration of the story 'Salt and Roti'.

Salt and Roti - Story #16 Salt and Roti.mp4

The Poisoned Roti

The Poisoned Roti is one of the short story in the One Book Many Schools literary selection Salt and Roti by Kenneth Vidia Parmasad.

The story depicts kindness.

Let's enjoy Mrs. Anderlene Mohan-Ragbir narration of the story 'The Poisoned Roti'.


Be kind with this Kindness Scavenger Hunt.

Salt and Roti - Story #8 The Poisoned Roti.mp4
Activity Sheet - The Poisoned Roti.pdf

The Cat and the Rat

The Cat and the Rat is the first short story in the One Book Many Schools literary selection Salt and Roti by Kenneth Vidia Parmasad.

The story depicts a clever rat and a naïve cat.

Let's view Ms. Andrea Bullock narration of the story "The Cat and the Rat"

  • Click on the link to read along Ms. Andrea Bullock .

  • Try the activity and help the rat escape the cat!!!

Salt and Roti - Story #1 The Cat and the Rat.mp4

'One Book Many Schools' is an initiative of NALIS, Educational Library Service Division. The aim is to promote reading literacy and encourage an appreciation of West Indian Literature among secondary school students. The programme seeks to encourage a deeper understanding of local folklore and oral traditions. The selected title this academic year is

Salt and Roti: Indian Folk Tales of the Caribbean

by: Kenneth Vidia Parmasad

NALIS One Book Many Schools.mp4